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Kids Music 'n' Kids Coins, a GREAT combination!

                            Kids Coins Productions

                             Hope for Children:

Our hope is that with Kids Coins, we (parents, care- givers, teachers, social workers) are able to decrease the number of children who enter elementary school with behavior problems that interfere with their ability to learn and their teachers' ability to instruct. For children who are already exhibiting behavior challenges,  we hope to offer positive redirection on appropriate behaviors/talks so that the problem does not follow them into adolescence.


There  was no gender, race,  or religious intent in the designing of Kids Coins. Should any organization/company be interested in incorporating Kids Coins into their future plans,  we would be willing to allow the altering of some of the facial features and skin tones on the Coins in order to better address the issue of multi-cultural diversity. As with any of our Coins or images,  “Religious”  Coins can be omitted from the program. 

Kids Coins is an open and flexible company.

  The Kids Coins Early Intervention Initiative 

Helping Young Children To Succeed   

Kindergarten Readiness Component:

Kids Coins is a Preventative Initiative designed with children's cognitive, emotional, and social development in mind.

      In many ways, Kids Coins could be considered a Kindergarten Readiness tool, preparing children so that they are ready to meet teacher expectations (e.g., following a posted schedule and being accountable for one's behavior) and are prepared for Kindergarten curriculum (e.g., emotional awareness, imaginary play and career choices focused on the roles people play in the community).

Kids Coins are designed for home use, but can be adapted for use in day cares, preschools, and elementary schools.

Kids Coins are engaging and fun for children and a tremendous tool for parents, caregivers, and educators interested in addressing behavior challenges or enriching their child's daily routines by encouraging creative play, emotional awareness and competency in a range of early Life Skills.

                   Emotional Development Awareness:

The “I'm Feeling Coins” provide a way for children to communicate their emotions through tangible images, faces and choices depicted on Coins that represent how they feel.

                                           Career Education:

 The “I'm Playing Coins” allows children to select different roles depicted on the Coins (e.g., baseball player, singer, artist, fire fighter, etc.)  Children are encouraged to engage in imaginary play and creative thinking as they act out future career choices, enhancing their own talents and abilities.

              Behavior Intervention Component: Rewards:

While the emphasis is on Kindergarten Readiness, the behavior modification component (the token economy rewards) are appropriate as an intervention for early elementary children who are experiencing difficulty regulating their behavior in the classroom context.


When parents use Kids Coins at home, they reinforce classroom management efforts of the teachers and provides a consistent message to the child about appropriate behavior. The program facilitates parent-child conversations on the topics of adhering to a schedule and following directions while keeping the emphasis on encouragement for positive behaviors/tasks, rather than on punishment for negative behaviors. The focus is on positive redirection; showing kids all the things they CAN do.                

"Gold Coins" represent the completion of the task or activity.   "I Can Do It Coins" provide a series of tangible choices and can be used separately as directional visual aides. "I'm Playing Coins" and "I'm Feeling Coins" can be included as part of a reward system (e.g., children earn Gold Coins for creative play and for choosing their feeling).

While use of Kids Coins as a form of rewards is initially parent regulated, through consistent use children may begin to regulate their own behavior. Parent testimonials indicate that children have requested to do their chores with phrases like "Mom! It's time to get out our Coins!"  Children quickly learn to choose their own Coins, play their own motivational songs, and complete their tasks and activities without adult direction.


                         Expulsion and at-risk children:

Research indicates young children are being expelled from preschool programs and kindergarten, and that children exhibiting challenging behaviors are at risk.  Kids Coins may benefit educators and providers and may help to eliminate classroom and group disruptions that make it difficult to teach and care for children. When a child is acting out in a structured group environment it is more likely that similar behavior may be taking place in the home.  Consistency at home that refocuses on positive behavior and daily routines, may help children follow directions in the classroom. 

Children need consistency, making it necessary to prevent the behavior of a child from expelling them from a stable and nurturing out-of-the-home environment. (Partnership Impact Early Care Research Project-Center for Children and Families) 

Pre-kindergarten students are expelled at a rate more than three to six times that of their older peers in the K-12 grades.  The likelihood of expulsion decreases significantly with access to a behavioral consultant.  

Kids Coins can help significantly improve school readiness and help put children on a path toward continued educational and lifelong success.  States should develop alternatives to expulsion for children with severe behavioral problems. These alternatives should include individual behavioral aides than can be supported in a typical pre-kindergarten classroom.  

(Walter S. Gilliam, PhD. "Pre-Kindergartners Left Behind")


                             Character Development: 


 As children learn positive behavior techniques and direction following, manor learning (e.g., caring and sharing, turn taking, patience through work effort, acceptance and tolerance) can be an added benefit. 

     Token Economy Systems Information and Research




Token economy system is a system in which tokens are earned for positive behavior.  The tokens are then exchanged for desired rewards.  Token economy systems are based on behaviorist principles of learning.



Token economy systems are often effective for children who do not respond to other less-structured methods of behavior modification (providing positive feedback or praise).


Research indicates that some children benefit more than others from token economies. children with severe behavior problems, children who have failed often, and special needs children all seem to respond to the concrete, direct nature of token reinforcement.

                                  Use of Rewards:


Consistent use of reinforcement, or rewards, for appropriate behavior gives a clear message about which behaviors are acceptable  and which are not.  The structure of The  Kids Coins  Program can help parents and caregivers be more consistent in their reinforcement of positive behaviors.

Research  suggests  that  tangible  rewards,  particularly those  that  are given immediately  after  the  child   "behaves well",  can be distracting and take the focus off of the task at hand. Delayed, nontangible rewards (special activity at the end of the week) may therefore be preferable. A token economy system using Kids Coins allows flexi- bility in the type of reward used and the time at which the reward is given.  

In order for a token economy system to be effective, the rewards must be truly reinforcing for each child. Using Kids Coins allows parents and caregivers to tailor the reward so that it best meets the needs of the child. Children can also play a role in deciding what reward they would like to work toward.

When beginning a token economy system, it is important for tokens to be given out regularly with frequent opportunities to exchange tokens for rewards.  If, after a positive behavior pattern is established, parents or caregivers want to de-emphasize the reward or wish to phase-out, tokens can be saved for longer periods of time before they are exchanged for rewards.


                                Use of Visual Cues    

Research indicates that children are more likely to behave appropriately when they are given reminders or 'cues' that certain behaviors are expected of them. Using

"I Can Do It" Coins can provide a visual reminder for children about what they should    be doing.  

          Encouraging Self-Management of Behavior:

There has been an increasing interest  among researchers in systems designed  to  develop  children's ability   to regulate or manage their own behavior. One way to encourage self-management is by  allowing children to evaluate whether or not they have behaved  appropriately and to administer their own rewards.


Token economy systems can be adapted in a way to encourage self-management of behavior.  For example, with Kids Coins, children can select which behaviors/activities they will complete during the day.  Upon successful completion, they can decide whether they’ve earned their coin for the task.  At the end of the day, children can reflect on their behavior (with the guidance of an adult) and determine how “Goldie” was earned.


Skinner, B. F.  (1953).  Science and human behavior.  New York: Macmillan.

      »     Woolfolk, A.  (2001).  Educational Psychology (8th ed.).  \

              Needham Heights, MA:  Allyn and Bacon.

      »     Martin, G. & Pear, J.  (1992).  Behavior modification: 

             What it is and how to do it (4th ed.).  Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice-Hall.

       »     Ormrod, J.  (2003). Educational psychology: Developing learners

              (4th ed.).  Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Merrill Prentice Hall. 

       »    Kelley, M., & Carper, L.  (1988).  Home-based reinforcement procedures. 

              J.C. Will, S.M. Elliott, & F.M Gresham (Eds.),

             Handbook of behavior therapy in education. New York:    Plenum Press.                    »    Pfiffner, L., Rosen, L., & O’Leary, S.  (1985). 

             The efficacy of an all-positive approach to classroom management.                    Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 18, 257-261.  

       »    Martin, G. & Pear, J.  (1992).  Behavior modification: 

             What it is and how to do it (4th ed.).  Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice-Hall.

        »    Taylor, B., & Levin, L.  (1998). 

              Teaching a student with autism to make verbal initiations: 

              Effects of a tactile prompt. 

Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 31, 651-654                                                                   »     Ferretti, R., Cavalier, A., Murphy M., & Murphy R(1993)                              

                   The Self-management of skills by persons with mental retardation               DResearch in Developmental Disabilities, 14, 189-205.   

         »    Cavalier, A., Ferretti, R., & Hodges, A.  (1997). 

               self-management within a classroom: 

Token economy for students with learning  disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 18, 167-178.